05 April 2011

Day in Review... Harp and Bowl Session

So tonight I hosted a Harp and Bowl night at the Naz. It went really well. Quite a few people came and the Holy Spirit was faithful to come and meet us as we worshiped and prayed together. It was so awesome for me to see the people I love so dearly partnering together with the Lord to ask Him to do what He wants to do in this city.

I am reminded tonight of what an honor this call to night and day prayer is. Worship and intercession are so near to the heart of God and He desires and delights to partner with us- people, made from dust- to accomplish His will and bring incense before His throne. What an honor to be a worshiper of God. How He loves to do this.

I am excited to see what God does in this place. I know that seeds are being planted here for a house of prayer and it brings great joy to my heart.

This trip was primarily for the purpose of doing fundraising for my new full time missionary work in Redding, but it is turning out to be much more and even better. God is moving on the hearts of His people and that IS the highest aim. That He would be glorified and lifted up in every place on the earth.

Thank you Father that YOU are the faithful and true One. You will be faithful to complete every work You begin, in my life, at the Watch of the Lord, and here in Wooster.
What an HONOR and a JOY to partner with You.

Thank you again to everyone who came out and those of you back in Redding who are praying for me. Love you all.

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